St. Joseph Youth Ministry Logo


St. Joseph Youth Ministry encourages the youth to encounter Jesus Christ and His Church unceasingly. We holdfast to His teachings, foster a Christ-centered community, and seek participation in the sacraments and prayer. We follow the example of St. Joseph, our patron saint, finding our home in the family of Christ.


Please be sure to join the appropriate group “STJG Youth Ministry - Middle School” or “STJG Youth Ministry - High School” to stay up to update on events and notifications.

Teaching team

Our teaching team for the 2021-2022 school year is made up of Michelle Ballestero, Cheryl Dixon, Julie Doyle, Mickey Hoyt, Terri Huff, Bill & Kris Kraft, Dn. Denny Langdon, and Jason Robledo.

High School Youth Ministry

Our High Schoolers meets regularly on Tuesdays evening 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm in the Youth Group Room in the Education Center during the school year. Please contact Audrey at audreyg at is you need help joining or leaving a Flocknote group.

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Our Middle School Youth Ministry serves 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Please contact Terri ( if you have questions, input on activities, ideas, or feedback. We will meet on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm during the school year.

Basic Meeting Plan

15 Minutes

5 Minutes
opening prayer

40 Minutes

15 Minutes
closing prayer

Basic Monthly Plan

One Week
large group activity with the high schoolers

Two Weeks
discussion and activity related to a faith topic

One Week
service project or social activity

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me...
— Matthew 25:35

We believe service brings us together, develops real-world skills like leadership and collaboration, and encourages us to be caring and empathetic people. With that in mind, we are committed to giving our middle school youth opportunities to engage in service projects within our parish community.

In order to provide opportunities for faith formation, activities, service projects, and more for all middle school youth without a registration fee, we are asking all youth and parents to make a commitment to be involved in our fundraising efforts throughout the year.

5th Grade and Younger

Currently, youth in 5th grade and younger are part of our Religious Education Program. Please click here to learn more about Religious Education Program.