Religious Education
“Let the little children come to me.”
In Christ’s own words we are beckoned to draw the little ones to Him. It is in this spirit that the Director and volunteer teachers of the Religious Education Program strive to find each student where he/she is in their faith life and encourage them to take steps closer to God. All children are welcome to participate in the Religious Education Program. The purpose of this program is to aid parents in their primary role as catechists by providing a welcoming faith-based learning environment. The Catholic Church recognizes that as parents, you are the primary educators of your children in the faith. We are not seeking to substitute or replace the formation that takes place in the home, but are here to assists, support, and supplement the learning that is already occurring. We look forward to working with you as you educate your children in the Catholic Faith. May God who has begun the good work in us, bring it to completion!
Our Teaching Team
Our teaching staff is made up of a wonderful group of volunteers who dedicate many hours every year to preparing lessons and engaging the youth of St. Joseph in fun, faith-filled curriculum. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer teacher, please contact Barb Loomis.
Our School-Year Program
The Religious Education Program follows a recognized curriculum that is in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. A variety of texts, including supplementary materials approved for use in religious education, are used at the various grade levels. The Catechism has been traditionally divided into four sections. These sections are: the Creed, the Sacraments (Liturgy), Morality (Ten Commandments and Beatitudes), and Prayer (the Our Father). They are called pillars to illustrate the reality that they uphold our Catholic Identity. They are the foundation of our Catholic Faith, which is unique and universal.
Classes run September through April (following the schedule in the Parent Handbook)
All grades will have classes on Tuesday’s from 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm
Registration for Religious Education
Classes start in September. Registration forms can be found in the bulletin, church, and on the website during August. Forms can be returned to the Parish Office. Please contact Barbara Loomis at or 303-279-4464 if you have any questions or need to register mid-year.
Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School usually takes place the third week of June. Registration forms are available in May and June and can be found in the Parish Office, the back of the Church, or downloadable on the website. Please turn in completed forms to the Parish Office and email Barb Loomis with any questions. Fifth graders through high schoolers help teach our younger students (Pre-K through 4th) about their faith in a fun and exciting way that follows a new theme each year.
2025 Dates: June 23rd - 27th
Altar Serving
Altar Serving is a wonderful opportunity for our youth to learn about and participate in the Mass. Open to boys and girls in fourth grade or higher, who have received their First Eucharist, servers assist at both weekday and weekend Masses. Servers carry the cross and processional candles, hold the book for the priest, carry the incense and censer, assist the priest when he receives the gifts of bread and wine from the people, wash the hands of the priest, and assist the priest celebrant and deacon as necessary. Servers respond to the prayers and dialogues of the priest along with the congregation. They also join in singing the hymns of the liturgy. Please contact Terri Huff ( if your child is feeling called to serve.
Youth Choir (currently on hold)
The youth choir helps to enhance the music of the liturgy with their singing. The youth learn not only how to sing as a group, but also become acquainted with the hymns, songs, psalmody, and responses of the Mass. Ultimately, they learn to sing and pray as active members of the community. The youth choir is open to boys and girls fourth grade through high school and is lead by Maura Burns and Gary Bishop. Rehearsals are currently held on Tuesday evenings from 6:00 to 6:45 pm in the Church and the choir usually sings at the 11:00 am Mass the last Sunday of each month (unless prevented by a holiday). The youth choir runs September through May, but does not meet during December. Please email Maura at if your child is feeling called to sing in the youth choir.