Women of St. Joseph

Women have always had significant roles in our Faith. Here at St. Joseph, we are blessed to have so many women who serve as lay ministers, teach in the religious education program, care for the Church and our parishioners, and help the less fortunate.


To connect with the Women of St. Joseph please join our group on Flocknote! Please email Jason at jasonr@stjoegold.org if you need help joining or leaving a group on Flocknote.

Ladies Night Out

Join the women of St. Joseph for an evening of worship and fellowship. We meet on the first Friday of a month ( 3-4 times a year) at 4:00 pm for Eucharistic Adoration and Benediction, followed by Mass at 5:15 pm. Then we head over to the Holy Family Hall (Community Center) for wine and appetizers (ice tea and lemonade also available) and a potluck dinner. Often we have a fun activity like learning to line dance or arrange flowers. If you would like to come to Ladies Night Out, you don't need to RSVP or have come before. Simply bring a dish (appetizer, salad, entree, or dessert) and come for all, or part, of the evening.