Did you know that you no longer need to use a gift card to participate in the King Soopers Community Rewards program? Learn how here.
Did you know that you no longer need to use a gift card to participate in the King Soopers Community Rewards program? Learn how here.
Please join us for the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas) at St. Joseph. Mass times will be at 8:00 am and 10:00 am in the church. We look forward to everyone joining for this joyous celebration of the savior’s birth. Thank you.
Please join us for the Vigil of the Nativity of the Lord (Christmas Eve) at St. Joseph. Mass times will be at 4:00 pm in the church, 4:15 pm in the parish hall (community center), and 10:00 pm in the church. We look forward to everyone joining for this joyous celebration. Thank you.
Join us on Wednesday, September 8th as we celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We are also currently hosting the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue of Our Lady of Fatima!
With praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God, The Archdiocese of Denver joyfully announces a new deacon from our own parish, St. Joseph in Golden:
Rev. Mr. Patrick John Smith
Deacon Smith was ordained to the Sacred Order of the Diaconate through the laying on of hands and the invocation of the Holy Spirit by His Excellency, The Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila, S.T.L. Archbishop of Denver, on Saturday July 26, 2021 at 10 A.M. at Light of the World Catholic Church.
Deacon Smith, the clergy, staff and parishioners of St. Joseph joyfully congratulate you and pray for your ministry. We are so blessed by you, deacon Smith!
Beloved brothers and sisters, please keep Deacon Smith, his family and ministry in your prayer. Thank you so much!
Fr. Joseph Tran
Father Joseph Tran (right) with newly ordained Deacon Patrick Smith, Deacon Dennis Langdon, and Paula Smith (Deacon Smith’s wife)-listed in order from right to left
We’re hosting our second annual Pentecost Plant Sale to raise funds for BGoldN, a local charity helping those facing food insecurity here in Golden, and we would love your help making this event a success!
Interested in Catholic education? Please take this important survey! Your feedback is valued.
The Bishops of Colorado have issued a joint statement on the Equality Act of 2021 (H.R. 5) to the faithful of Colorado.
Please use the button below to read the Pastoral Note from Archbishop Aquila for this Lent.
This year World Marriage Day, which is held on the second Sunday in February, falls on Valentine’s Day. We’re so grateful to the couples at our parish who have chosen to share their stories and insights into married life with us this year.
This week, February 7th-14th is National Marriage Week! Next Sunday, February 14 is also World Marriage Day and we'll be celebrating by sharing stories from married couples at our parish in the bulletin. Continue reading for more ways to celebrate at home!
Do you have questions about whether Catholics can receive the new vaccines? Read what the Bishops of Colorado have said.
Pope Francis has announced a Year of St. Joseph starting December 8th, 2020!
Join our virtual caroling project!
We’ll be starting 2 new online classes this December and we would love for you to join us! Both classes will be emailed directly to you each week, so you can read and enjoy from home at a time that is convenient to you.
Looking for Catholic resources on voting? We’ve got you covered!
As Fr. Joseph talked about at Mass on Thursday, there’s been lots of confusion stemming from a recent Italian documentary called Francesco that featured Pope Francis. Here are the links to the articles Fr. Joseph suggested for clarification on the Pope’s comments in the film.
We have implemented rigorous health and safety protocols to safely offer In-Person learning this school year, and to keep our class sizes small, only limited spots are still available in Preschool (Age 3) through 5th grade for this 2020-21 school year. Learn More or Enroll Now at www.GoWellspring.org, or give us a call at 303-237-0401!
Updates on changes at the Parish as we struggle to overcome the COVID-19 virus.
Beginning on Saturday, August 15, Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila is launching a month-long Rosary Crusade to ask Mary to urgently bring our needs to Jesus.