FOCUS / Campus Ministry
Our parish is located less than 10 minutes away from Colorado School of Mines, a university devoted to engineering and applied sciences, with a special focus on stewardship of our natural resources. Founded in 1874, CSM has been part of our Golden community for over 140 years. CSM also has a thriving Catholic community that is nurtured and supported through FOCUS ministry and Mines Catholic Campus Ministry. We've seen the fruits of these ministries in many ways from former CSM students becoming FOCUS missionaries, founding Bible Studies, and students graduating with, not only their engineering degrees, but a stronger faith and deeper relationship with Jesus (check out Swole.Catholic, which was founded by CSM graduates!). Fr. Chris Considine from St. Joan of Arc parish serves as the current Mines Chaplain. Support from our parishioners for the CSM Ministries is very appreciated.
FOCUS Ministry
(Fellowship of Catholic University Students)
FOCUS has operated at CSM since 2005 and has grown significantly over time. It is a national organization that works to evangelize students and help with Christian formation through discipleship and Bible Study. Our missionaries for the 2021-2022 school year are Christian Apodaca, Abby Skibicki, Ryan Brisnehan, Maria Rauwolf, and Tynan Bollinger. Please visit their website for more information.
Mines Catholic Campus Ministry
MCCM is a student-led club that organizes activities to foster the Catholic life on Campus through retreats, social events, and Spirit and Truth. They also organize the ministries for the Sunday Mass held at 8:00 p.m. in the Mines Student Ballrooms during the school year.
Mines Catholic Campus Ministry at SLS20
2019-2020 Mines Catholic Campus Ministry Council
Our new president for the 2021-2022 school year is Daniel Lira and our vice president is Matthew Rottinghaus. If you would like to be added to our GroupMe or email list please use the button below.
2019 Hiking with Pope Francis
2018-2019 Mines Campus Ministry with Fr. Joseph
2020 Celebrate Life Rally and March in Denver
Hanging with Sisters of Life
The Frassati and Goretti Houses
The Frassati (men's) and Goretti (women's) houses serve as a place where all students can come and find Catholic fellowship on the Colorado School of Mines Campus. They also serve as the residence for a limited number of students (you can apply to live in one of the houses please email
The mission of the Frassati House is to be a place of community and strength by which its members may find support and acceptance as they experience the academic vigor at the Colorado School of Mines. More importantly members of the community will strive to strengthen their Catholic faith, their personal relationship with God, and the pursuit of virtue. The members of the house are to aid in fostering these attributes in others as well. The members of the house are good stewards, maintain an environment of hospitality to all, and serve the Catholic community at Mines as well as all members of the school and surrounding community.
The mission of the Goretti House is to be somewhere for the community, but especially Mines women, to come together and grow closer to Christ. The members want to offer a hospitable and generous place where people can feel comfortable coming. The members are also striving to create a women’s community at Mines, where they can feel safe and at home. The members are continually trying to grow closer to God and trying to give the community a place to do that together.
Dedicating the Mt. Zion Chapel
As of 2017, there is also a Chapel between the houses. The Mt. Zion Chapel has Liturgy of the Hours daily, Adoration weekly, and Mass monthly. It's open from 7:00 am to 10:00 pm for students to pray and spend time with Jesus. The Chapel is an amazing addition to Mines Catholic and a blessing to everyone growing in their faith while studying at Colorado School of Mines. Thank you to all helped bring the Mt. Zion Chapel into fruition through their prayers, donations, and hard work.
Chapel Schedule
The Chapel is open for private prayer for CSM students.
Weekday Liturgy of the Hours
Lauds (Morning Prayer) - 7:30 am
Vespers (Evening Prayer) - 5:30 pm
Night Prayer - 9:00 pm
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Tuesday 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm
2021-2022 Events
Reoccurring Events
(during the school year only)
Sunday Mass
8:00 pm in Student Center Ballrooms
House Hangouts
With dessert after Mass at the Goretti Women's House.
Periodic Table Lunch
Meets from noon to 2:00 pm
Spirit and Truth (Eucharistic Adoration)
Thursday nights 7:00 pm at St. Joseph's
Continues through the summer
Carpools available during the school year
R & R
Saturdays at Lions Park
Meets at 2:00 pm
Stay in the loop by joining this GroupMe
Stay in Touch
Facebook: Catholic Students at Mines
Instagram: @Mines_Catholic