Adult Faith Formation
Continuing to study the Bible and our faith as an adult is a vital part of Christian formation. Many times, Catholics are asked specific questions about our faith and are unable to answer because they have forgotten what they learned, never had the opportunity to learn our beliefs, or are unfamiliar with the current teachings of the Church. We encourage you to participate in our growing adult faith formation program.
On-site Learning
Throughout the year, we offer various Bible and faith study programs. We try to offer evening and daytime options to fit the schedules of as many parishioners as possible, but we know that many parishioners are unable to join in weekly "on-site" studies due to conflicts with their work or family schedules.
We also try to have speakers and presentations throughout the year, and we host a Parish Mission each Lent.
Our Director of Evangelization, Misio Wynar, will coordinate the Adult Faith Formation programs.
Denver Catholic Biblical School
“I highly recommend the Catholic Biblical School for those who want to know God’s Word in a deeper way. By growing in an understanding of God’s written word you will mature in your love of Jesus Christ, the Word of God made flesh.”
A four year program, Denver Catholic Biblical School was founded in response to Vatican II’s call for a renewed study of Sacred Scripture. During the program students cover the entire Bible. The school year runs September to May. Tuition is $620/year* which includes the cost of the workbook. Students 65 and older are offered a 10% discounted tuition*.
Classes are held at various parishes in the Archdiocese as well as online through Zoom presentations.
*While we try to keep our information up to date, please check with the Catechetical School for exact tuition costs.
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
Order of Christian Initiation of Adults or OCIA is for anyone thinking about becoming Catholic, for Catholics who were Baptized and now wish to prepare to receive the sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation, and for Catholics who wish to return to the Church. We want you to know, no matter where you are in your faith journey, that you are welcome at St. Joseph. We are deeply committed to helping you recognize God’s voice in your life and follow wherever He is leading you (whether or not it leads you into full communion with the Catholic Church at this time or not).
Encountering God in Your Life
If you are just starting your journey of faith or would like some help recognizing God’s voice in your life through prayer, please also click here to visit our page on how to experience/hear God in your life.
Encountering God At St. Joseph
At St. Joseph, we experience God as a community continually each Sunday during the liturgy (Mass), but we also have special times set aside that are focused intentionally on encountering God as a community. Please click here to learn.